The game that many Americans decide to watch.. The ultimate Sunday football game.
Many people look forward to this day for the parties, the half time show and food that many people indulge themselves in like its Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner. One of the most ridiculous aspects of the super bowl game is the fans who choose to cheer on the teams they absolutely hated during the regular season all because their team didn't make it to the super bowl, and then they make a huge deal about the fact that their replacement team isn't even winning. Your opinion is invalid.
Then there are those people who after their team loses the game, they talk about how much the other team sucks and how bad their players are. If they are bad and won, what does that say about your team? It makes no sense to me whatsoever how people react to their team losing. The best team will win and if its not your team this year, maybe next year. Whether they win or lose, it shouldn't affect your live so much to the point where you become despressed and actually cry about it. The only thing you get out of a superbowl win, is the possible satisfaction of your team winning, other than that, you get absolutely nothing. While these famous players make millions only playing sixteen games in a regular season. Even if they lose, they are still making money while you get nothing. While you are crying about your teams loss, they get to sit and cry in expensive cars, that you can only dream about having.
There is always next year to possibly watch your team win again and if they never win again, think about how they will be living their lives getting to cry in expensive cars, while you may only get to have a used and old, barely together, crappy car.